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Efficiency First: A Guide to Functional Kitchen Design

Kitchen Design and Style

Caught up in the thrill of redesigning a kitchen, it's easy to overlook that at its core, the kitchen is a crucial workspace in any home. In the quest for a picture-perfect kitchen, there's a tendency for homeowners to focus more on style than on substance. However, the key to a truly great kitchen remodel lies in finding the perfect balance between stunning looks and everyday usability. Remember, complete kitchen remodel is one where form and function harmonize, creating an inviting and efficient space for cooking, entertaining, and living.

functional kitchen design

Think Function First—Then Form

You should always put functional considerations at the forefront of your design plans—after all you’re the one using the space daily. This may not be as fun as choosing all the accents and color combinations, but we assure you the timeless benefits will be well-worth the priority switch.

Today's homeowner demands more from their kitchen than they ever have in the past. Analyzing how you use your space should be the first step of the design process so that you accommodate your family’s needs. Once that foundation is established, the aesthetics component comes naturally leaving you with a kitchen that will never go out of style.

Tiburon home remodel

How do you design a kitchen for functionality?

Here are some of the trends inspiring the current focus on functional kitchen designs.

Essential picks for a well-equipped kitchen

Design professionals say kitchen islands are must-have items. Clients are also asking for recycling centers. Both requests require a more spacious kitchen design to make room for what are often considered add-ons.

The kitchen island is almost a given in today's kitchens, especially in those that are built or remodeled as part of an open floor plan. But the recycling center is a relatively new concept, and one that requires savvy kitchen organization to accommodate extra bin space next to the standard trash can. If you'll benefit from these design upgrades, consider how to work them into your plans.

functional kitchen island

Smart tech upgrades 

Other must-haves are high-tech items like WiFi appliances, hands-free devices and useful gadgets. Just as tech is ever evolving, you want your kitchen to be adaptable to these changes. Integrate technology advancements in your kitchen to stay on the cutting-edge of kitchen functionality.


smart refrigerator

Well-placed lighting system

For everyday occasions and special parties, you want the proper lighting to illuminate your space. Task lighting is important in all your heavily used work zones, and under cabinet lighting brightens up those more compact spaces. You want to accommodate for every area in the room so you have everything you need to get the job done.


kitchen task lighting

Kitchens built for daily use

Both parents with children and soon-to-be empty-nesters have similar needs. These include things like lower countertops and more accessible appliances, as well as more streamlined designs that are easier to keep clean and maintain. For those multi generational homes you’ll want to consider the following for inclusion in your designs:

Where we used to talk about accessible or universal designs, we now try to think in terms of livable kitchen designs that make the kitchen a comfortable and easy-to-access space for those of every age or ability.

Rethinking kitchen layouts

If this is the first time your kitchen has been remodeled, you may find the layout doesn't serve you. Many eager homeowners work out all the unlivable kinks in their outdated kitchen—as it is now. We gently remind them that the kitchen layout is often quite flexible. Not only can we redesign a layout that works out the current kinks, we expand and evolve it so it's more useful and accommodating than you even imagined.

Who can provide you with a complete kitchen remodel?

If you need help designing a functional kitchen that meets all your family’s needs, contact Kitchen Magic for a consultation with a design expert. Once you’ve got the design, you’ll be able to dress it up with all your colorful flare and finishes. But you’ll be happy you focused on function first.

For more ideas about how to make your kitchen more functional, check out these articles:

Kitchen Magic Ultimate Kitchen Lookbook - Free Download

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