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Envision the Perfect Transition to Your Kitchen

Kitchen Design and Style

Interested in creating the perfect transition into your kitchen space? Open floor plans moved past the trend-stage, and have become a foundation of interior design. The importance of all visible living spaces benefiting from both continuity and style has become undenyably apparent.

Even if you aren't interested in going wide-open, we have transitions-into-the-transition, so to speak, to maintain an open concept with functional flow.



Points to Ponder Before Wielding the Sledgehammer

Before you make any permanent decisions (or make that celebratory bash with the sledgehammer), consider:

  • Your budget. The kitchen budget will affect how many - or how big - your structural changes can be, especially when changing load bearing items.
  • Will you need more light? If you're opening the kitchen to an interior space, or one without much natural lighting - such as a dining room - you may find you need to tap into more natural light and/or enhanced light sources.
  • Do you have kiddos? Or pets? This might shape the design, ensuring you can keep an eye on them during homework, playtime and/or dinner prep.
  • Are there load bearing issues? No point in blasting through a wall if the entire roof will collapse upon you. Review architectural plans to see what - if anything is load bearing. If so, you can work around them - adding beams, supports or columns - to create the look you want.

Expanding a doorway, removing the middle-portion of a wall, creating a pony-wall or converting a smaller door into an inviting archway are all options when structural issues present an insurmountable problem.


Ideas For Opening Kitchens Into Other Living Spaces

Here are some suggestions and examples for opening your kitchen up to other living spaces.


Use French doors to give yourself options

French doors can be closed - with color-coordinated curtains - when you want privacy and opened when you desire the long-view.


Light Maple Cabinets in Kitchen with French Doors


Pocket or barn doors save floor space

A smaller kitchen benefits from pocket doors which lend privacy without requiring door swing space. A similar effect is gained by barn doors, which are trending very strongly right now, along with the farmhouse design style.


Create an elegant archway

Artistically-rounded corners aren't used as much as they should be anymore. While you don't have to go as wood-adorned as the example below, you can arch the entire transition between two spaces, or expand a smaller doorway/entrance and create an arched-effect for height and panache.


Remove the whole wall

If budget allows, you can break down entire walls - even if it means installing a support beam to take up the demolished slack.


White Open Floor Concept Kitchen


Downsize from whole to half

If you aren't sold on the fully-open aesthetic, choose a semi-open concept instead. There are multiple ways to accomplish this look.


You can remove the wall's top-half, creating a visual and physical pass-thru. This area is customizable to incorporate a breakfast bar with stools or a small, kitchen office. Or, go ahead and remove the wall but add a kitchen island with a raised bar, or a kitchen table and chairs, to create a border between both spaces.


The team at Kitchen Magic looks forward to helping you create perfect transitions throughout your entire kitchen design process. Contact us to start dreaming and scheming.

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