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Which Should I Remodel First: My Kitchen or Bathroom?

Kitchen Installation

For many, the chance to remodel both the kitchen and bathroom simultaneously would be a dream come true. However, time constraints and budget limitations often make it challenging to undertake both projects at once. If you find yourself having to choose between remodeling the kitchen or the bathroom, you might be unsure of where to start. 

Don't worry—there's plenty of help available. Exploring inspirational kitchen designs near you can provide valuable insights and help you decide which renovation to prioritize, based on a variety of factors.

Which renovation should I do first?

Here’s a closer look at how to determine which renovation should take priority in your home.

1. A Solid Gold Investment

Although kitchens typically cost more to remodel than bathrooms, they tend to yield a better return on investment – ending up paying for themselves over the long run. In fact, if you plan your home improvement project well and spend wisely - i.e., re-painting, upgrading to new appliances, refinishing surfaces, replacing hardware, updating lighting and adding a fresh design - you’ll get the most for your money while likely adding the optimal resale value to your home.

Although kitchens typically cost more to remodel than bathrooms, they tend to yield a better return on investment – ending up paying for themselves over the long run. In fact, if you plan your home improvement project well and spend wisely - i.e., re-painting, upgrading to new appliances, refinishing surfaces, replacing hardware, updating lighting and adding a fresh design - you’ll get the most for your money while likely adding the optimal resale value to your home.

2. The “Love” Factor

What if you love your home and don’t have any plans to sell in the foreseeable future? If you ask yourself where in your house you and your family spend the majority of time and which brings you the most pleasure, what would you say? For many of us the answer is the kitchen/family area. If that’s true for you as well, the solution is clear: Renovate your kitchen.

But what if you’re one of those people who: 1) Thinks it’s heavenly to take luxurious soaks in a big bubble bath; 2) Your idea of cooking is popping a frozen pizza into the microwave; or 3) The oven doubles as extra storage. In this case, perhaps renovating your bath is the right way to go.

3. Keep a High Profile

In addition to thinking about how much time you spent in an area of the house, you also need to take into consideration what guests see upon entering your home.  The room most people see first is the kitchen. Bathroom doors can always be shut, but kitchens are right out there in plain sight. Plus, most potential home buyers are very interested in the kitchen’s appearance when purchasing a property.

4. Keeping It Simple and Easy

Any type of renovation or remodel – no matter how big or small – brings a certain amount of disruption to your life.  How much inconvenience are you willing to tolerate to achieve the beautiful results you want? Have you thought about which room you’d have the most trouble giving up for an extended period of time? Of course, you can easily set up a makeshift kitchen (hot plate/microwave/portable fridge) in your family or dining room, but if you only have one bathroom in your home you’ll need to arrange another place to stay while the work is being completed.

If you don’t normally feel comfortable with that much chaos and life interruption, perhaps refacing is an excellent option for you. The advantages to kitchen/bath refacing include:

  • Generally turn-around in as little as a week for cabinets
  • Work coordinated by a single source - no need to hire multiple subcontractors
  • Variety of design options available
  • It’s green - less materials and minimal waste
  • Option to keep or replace countertops or vanity tops
  • Affordable and highly cost effective

Looking for elegant & practical kitchen designs near you? Contact Kitchen Magic today! 

Still can’t decide? Maybe you need more advice on which to remodel first? Kitchen Magic’s team of professional refacing experts would be happy to arrange a free consultation in the convenience and comfort of your own home. Call us at (866) 525-0012 or schedule your initial consultation; We’d love to show you options for transforming your kitchen or bath today!

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