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Quartz Countertop Maintenance 101: Tips for a Lasting, Luxurious Look

Countertops Kitchen Installation Kitchen Design and Style



Quartz countertops can be an elegant addition to any kitchen remodel. A man-made material that brings superior protection and unique designs, from single color slabs to pronounced veining that can bring out other elements of your remodel, there’s a quartz countertop out there for anyone. And there’s no denying it, quartz countertops are beautiful. But that doesn’t mean you will never need a tip or two to keep them as stunning in 10 years as the day they were installed.  

While quartz is ranked highly among the most durable materials you can choose, compared to granite, laminate, butcher’s block or solid surface, it still takes some effort and know-how to properly take care of them and keep them looking good as new.  

First, rest assured that one of the most attractive features for quartz countertop surfaces (next to their beauty) is their durability. Quartz countertops are engineered surfaces comprised primarily of real quartz with polymers and pigments to help achieve the beautiful colors, patterns, hardness and non-porosity these surfaces are known for. 

That being said, though they are stain or damage resistant, they are not completely immune. So, whether you’re just considering quartz countertops for your next remodel, they’re freshly installed, or you’ve had them for a while, here are your dos and don’ts, consider this your quartz surface care guide. 

Don’t panic, act fast. We’ve all been there, we see a small stain and think to ourselves “That can wait till later, right?”. Every stain should be taken care of right away, and it can be especially tough to spot stains, especially on darker-colored countertops. But stains left untouched, regardless of the color of your countertops, especially if it’s a colored stain, can leave permanent damage over time. Consider getting into the habit of daily cleaning. A little goes a long way in the grand scheme of things.  

So, what can you do? Using a mild soap and water on a rag can help wipe away these small pesky stains, natural and synthetic oils, as well as cosmetics. If any of these stains are a bit stubborn, consider ramping up to a rubbing alcohol and water solution or hydrogen peroxide and water. Any stains, and especially water, when left unattended have the possibility of causing your quartz countertops to lose their luster, causing damage to the finish that seals them.  


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But what about some stains that are unusual or more stubborn?  

For preppers and fans of large family meals, where pots and pans are more apt to be out on the countertops, metal and metal rust stains are always a possibility. These metal marks on a quartz surface are sometimes confused for scratches, however in reality they can be removed using a simple method. Quartz countertop distributors such as Hanstone recommend using a Simple Green Pro HD solution to a rag and applying light pressure with your hand as you work the stain out. Rubbing too hard can cause dull, cloudy spots or markings.  

Writing a thank you letter or signing a birthday card? The countertop is usually a perfect, flat surface to do so. But ink stains are always a possibility. Depending on the ink, always start by gently applying a rubbing alcohol to the stain. If the stain is resisting, soak a cloth with 50% bleach concentration, leaving on top of the stain for 10 minutes. Usually when we think ink, we can dread the permanence, but working diligently at it will get your countertop looking brand new again. 

When dealing with any stain on your countertop, make sure to avoid concentrated acids and chemicals with high alkaline/PH levels. 

Heat resistant does not mean heat proof. While cleaning your countertops should always be a first and foremost priority, the hazards don’t stop at spills and assorted stains. While quartz is a heat resistant material, it’s not entirely heat-proof. Avoid placing hot pots, pans, or heated appliances directly on the surface. Use heat-resistant pads or trivets to protect the quartz from the most extreme temperatures you throw their way. Over time, exposure to intense direct sunlight can cause fading or discoloration. Early precautions like using window treatments, blinds, or installing UV-protective films to protect the material’s color integrity will do the trick. 

Fancy yourself skilled with a blade? While quartz is a resilient material that is scratch-resistant for the most part, it’s not scratch-proof. Prolonged cutting directly on the surface when prepping food can lead to damage to the surface over time. And while this may sound obscure, it’s also important to place trivets or mats under smaller appliances like blenders, coffee makers, or toaster ovens to avoid potential surface abrasions from their vibrations or unnecessary exposure to high temperatures. 

Lastly, it is common sense, but worth saying- simply treat your countertops with care. While homeowners might see the durability of quartz as a challenge to limit-test its capabilities, using excessive force or constantly throwing hazards at it will eventually show. This includes cutting directly on it, standing on top of the countertops, or slamming ice bags (or any hard material) into the countertops to break up ice. Many of these hazards can lead to scratches, chipping, or the risk of ruining the structural integrity of your countertops.  Protect the beauty and structure of your new countertops as you would any special purchase or investment. 


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Keeping your quartz countertops looking beautiful takes a bit of consistent effort and TLC, but it’s worth it in the long run.  

Interested in elevating your kitchen with quartz countertops for your next remodel? Contact Kitchen Magic today to set up a free consultation to discuss your design goals, wants, and needs. 


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