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How to Clean Your Stainless Steel Appliances

Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleaning in general is a real chore but it’s a necessary evil. For the most part we do it well without any issues. But cleaning special surfaces can be a real pain, especially when you don’t have the proper products. Many homeowners opt for stainless steel appliances in the home and why not—they are sleek and fit in with almost any design. But the downside, they do collect fingerprints and the question becomes how do you properly clean them?


stainless steel appliances in the kitchen


Stain-less Steel Not Streak-less

While stainless steel appliances are beautiful, they attract streaks and dirt rather quickly and can seem impossible to clean. Plus, if you use the wrong kind of cleaning cloth or harsh chemical cleaner, you could risk permanent damage to your new, expensive appliance.

Your days of fingerprinted refrigerators and messy stoves are gone! Read on to learn how to quickly and safely clean your stainless steel appliances in a few easy steps.


stainless steel appliances in the kitchen



The "don'ts" of cleaning stainless steel

There are a few things to remember when cleaning stainless steel—things you don't want to do in order to preserve the material. Here are a few reminders:

  • Be mindful of the materials you use. Avoid harsh or abrasive items like steel wool, scrubbing pads or anything that will scratch the smooth steel surface.
  • Don't use any chlorine-based cleaners as they have the potential to damage the appliance surface.
  • If you have hard or harsh tap water it may leave water spots on surfaces which defeats the purpose of cleaning.
  • Do not use cleaners designated for other surfaces such as oven cleaner.

The "do's" of cleaning stainless steel appliances

Now that we've got the "don'ts" out of the way, here are things you should do when cleaning stainless steel:

  • Use non-abrasive cleaning cloths like microfiber. It won't leave any residue like cotton will and it won't scratch up your surface.
  • Once you've wiped down the appliance with the microfiber cloth, follow up by using a paper towel to wipe it down for a streak-free finish.
  • Stainless steel has a natural grain to the surface, like wood products do. When cleaning the steel be sure that you wipe with the grain, this will prevent any unnecessary scratches or streaks.

stainless steel appliances in the kitchen


At-home stainless steel cleaning solutions

There are plenty of cleaning products available for purchase in the store. You can even consult the appliance user manual for any recommended options. For those looking for less expensive choices there are products you can find right in your home that will work just as well. Take the hassle out of cleaning with these options.

The classics: dish washing soap and water

Looking for the quickest and fastest way to clean? Try dish soap and water. Just mix a few drops of soap with some warm water and you've got enough to remove any smudges and fingerprints. It's simple, fast and usually the easiest option since you've got these items readily available.


cleaning stainless steel appliances with soap


Greasy...oil up for a clean shine

You may have oils on-hand in your house now and while any oil could could get the job done, we think baby or coconut oil work well. Greasy, oily fingerprints are difficult to remove but, oil removes oil. So, if you have young kids running around and their hand prints are all over, grab some oil and a microfiber cloth. You'll remove the smudges and leave a nice shine too!


coconut oil


Vinegar and water, the perfect cleaning combination

Vinegar is a popular home cleaning product. It's safe and free from harsh chemicals. It's also something you can use on your stainless steel appliances. You'll want to dilute the liquid with some water—be sure to use three parts vinegar to one part water for best results. For ease of use, a spray bottle makes for nearly effortless application. You'll be able to remove those imperfections and disinfect in the process. 

After rubbing your appliances down to remove any blemishes, rinse with regular hot water as a final cleanse and then dry with a paper towel to eliminate any streaks. Cleaning your stainless steel appliances is really that simple, but don't take our word for it. Check out this video from HGTV to see how easy it is.





Now that you're a stainless steel appliance cleaning master, go clean, cook and be merry in that kitchen of yours! If you're looking to upgrade your kitchen and thinking about adding stainless steel appliances contact Kitchen Magic today to set up a consultation. 

Check out these articles for more tips on cleaning your kitchen:


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