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Kitchen or Bathroom: Which should you remodel first?

Tips and Tricks

If you just bought a new home, or even if your home is a tad outdated, you might be wondering which part of the home you should renovate first, considering your ‘ROI’ is an important part of your decision. That being said, the kitchen (first) and bathroom(s) (in second place) are what bring the most value and return on investment when considering a home remodel.  

If both your kitchen and a bathroom need an upgrade but you’re not sure where to start, contacting reliable kitchen remodel contractors is a wise move. These experts will give you all the information you need to decide what remodeling option is right for you.

Which should you update first?

Any other room can typically just be repainted, the carpets can be cleaned or replaced, and changing the trim are fairly inexpensive tasks. The kitchen and bathrooms are the most expensive to tackle, and they also tend to be the most time-consuming from a remodeling standpoint. There are a few undeniably important things to consider in both spaces, such as: 

  • Plumbing 
  • Electrical 
  • Appliances 

And those more practical elements of the project do not even include the aesthetic elements of a remodel, which can also get pretty pricey depending on the materials you choose as compared to smaller projects throughout the home. 

If you are looking to sell your home in the near-ish future, remodeling these spaces is even more important to consider if they are outdated or not functioning well. The major selling points of any home are these two areas, so if you have the resources to do this, remodeling both spaces is more ideal. But if you do not have the ability to invest in remodeling both, you’re probably curious which you should tackle. Whether you just moved in, or you’re looking to add value for the future sale of the home, by the end of this article, you should have a better idea of which remodel you should tackle first: your kitchen or bathroom(s). So, ask yourself the following questions to find out!



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Which space is less functional?

A good rule of thumb to follow is to assess which space functions less conveniently in your day-to-day life. Where are your ‘pain points’? If your kitchen cabinets and drawers have been painted repeatedly, and now they stick when you try to open them, you might consider the kitchen. If your shower control falls off every time you use it or if you have loose or broken tiles or are concerned with mold, you might be leaning more toward your bathroom.  

As mentioned previously, if they both function poorly, and you have the resources to renovate both spaces, we say go for it! But this may not be the case for most people, so evaluating how the two spaces function comparatively is your best bet in choosing the one that will be of the most value to you and most enhance your quality of life.  

An exception to this rule would be if you are selling your home and looking to renovate it for a higher resale value. In this case, functionality might not be quite as important as what adds the most return on investment. Later, you will see how each of these remodels differ in the value they add to a home. 


cabinet-refacing-save-moneyWhich space is more affordable to renovate?

Kitchen remodeling tends to be the more expensive choice, but don’t count out bathrooms either. They can cost a pretty penny as well, especially if you are looking to remodel multiple bathrooms in the home, as bath projects tend to expose plumbing, water, and electrical issues and quickly become complex. 

With that said, the kitchen tends to have a higher rate of return on investment, making it a great asset for resale. Everyone wants a new kitchen, especially when purchasing a home.  

But if you currently have a more modest budget, the bathroom may make the most sense to spend it on. While they can become expensive, they are usually less expensive than a kitchen makeover if all the major components of the bathroom are intact, such as the plumbing and electrical. Just remember, bathrooms can become even more expensive than kitchens due to unforeseen complexities in the remodeling process. 

Where do you spend the most time?

Nearly every family spends the most time in the kitchen, whether it be for cooking, eating, snacking, etc. Bathrooms are the come and go ‘necessary’ rooms. Guests also spend more time in your kitchen than they likely will in the bathroom.  

It’s extremely important to decide where you want to invest your money, as either space you renovate will come with a cost in both time and money. Investing in the room that you and your family spend the most time in makes the most sense for those who are not looking to sell their home.

Which space is aesthetically more important to you?

People tend to answer this question the same way: the kitchen is out in the open for everyone to see. You look at the space more frequently every day than you do the bathroom(s) and tend to be more irritated with the aspects of your kitchen that you are unhappy with. Collectively, people lean more toward the notion that the bathroom, as long as it is functional, can wait for a remodel, if it needs one at all.

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Which one adds the most value to your home?

Let’s put this into perspective: remodeling your kitchen can increase the value of your home by sometimes more than 25% of what the bathroom will add to your resale value. 

We are not by any means appraisers, and the influence on value fluctuates by home and market, but upgrading your home is never a bad thing both from an investment and everyday living standpoint. As the housing market is always changing, one thing remains true: these two spaces hold a massive amount of value, despite what the rates are or how the price of homes fluctuates.

Still not sure what to do? Contact the best kitchen remodel contractors in the area!

There are a ton of things to consider when it comes to making this decision, and we know that making a significant investment can be intimidating. Especially if both spaces require updating, but your budget only allows you to do one project at a time. 

As a leading kitchen remodeling company, of course we won't complain if you opt to do a kitchen remodel, but ultimately, we want you to choose the option that best suits your needs. If you decide to get started on your kitchen renovation, call us at (866) 525-0012 and schedule your free design consultation. Get expert advice and an accurate price for your project and find out how Kitchen Magic can help you achieve a designer look without breaking a bank!


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