Your kitchen cabinet doors are the most visible element of your kitchen design, and help to create a cohesive look for your kitchen. There are numerous options available when choosing a material for your cabinet doors, and among the most popular options for creating a warm and inviting kitchen are wood and laminate.
Both materials have distinct strengths and advantages, making it important to look at your home's specific needs when choosing the right material for your kitchen cabinet doors.

Solid Wood Cabinet Doors
Solid wood cabinet doors have a beautiful, classic appearance. There are several different types of wood available, each with its own unique grain and color. They can stand up to years of hard use, and can be stained or painted in any number of colors and styles. Wood kitchen cabinet doors can be coordinated with the other wood furnishings in your kitchen, from the doors to the molding, to cultivate a cohesive, unified design.
Wood cabinet doors generally cost more money due to their popularity and the care needed in their production. While the quality of solid wood is well worth the price and constitute an investment that will enhance the value of your home in the long term, if you are conducting your kitchen remodeling project on a budget, the cost of wood may be prohibitive.
Depending on the humidity of your kitchen, wood cabinet doors may tend to age unevenly or even warp, especially those nearest to the sink and the stove.
High Quality Laminate Kitchen Cabinet Doors
High quality laminate kitchen cabinet doors are another excellent option for your kitchen project. Made from high density furniture grade material, laminate is specially sealed in a way that makes it very simple to clean, keeping your kitchen looking bright and free of grime and splatters. Laminate cabinet doors are available in a variety of colors and textures; they can be crafted to resemble wood grain, or present a simple and clean white or warmly colored surface.
Laminate is more resistant to damage from humidity and ambient environmental conditions, High quality laminate is also less costly than wood, making it an ideal material for your cabinet doors if price is a significant factor in your refacing needs.
When considering laminate cabinet doors, there are a few details you should bear in mind. Laminate is a durable material, but it is also difficult to repair in the event that it becomes scratched or chipped, as the color is only a single layer deep. The type of regular activity in your kitchen (e.g. kids, pets, etc.) will determine whether or not laminate is a suitable option for you.
Both wood and laminate make excellent choices for your kitchen cabinet doors, and the best choice is determined by the specific vision you have for your kitchen cabinets or cabinetrefacing project, and the investment you wish to make in order to achieve it.